Police Brutality In The Civil Rights Movement

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The American Dream can be defined as the idea that every U.S citizen has an equal opportunity to be successful through hard work, determination, and initiative despite the conditions they were born into. Although every American may wish this to be true, the sad truth is that it is not, especially for African American citizens. The path towards achieving the American Dream for African Americans contains many more challenges and is different than for those who are white. These challenges have been highlighted from slavery to the Civil Rights Movement to modern-day police brutality. This relates to social justice because it questions whether America really affords equal opportunity for everyone, including immigrants of other races, such as African …show more content…

During the 1950s movement, there were multiple instances of police officers brutally beating protesters and spraying them with tear gas so they would disperse. Sadly, these accounts of police violence against black people still persists today. In the past several years, there have been many cases of police altercations with African American men which have resulted in the death of the African Americans. Cases such as Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, and many others illustrate instances of police force becoming so aggressive and excessive that a person has died. Some of these men were only guilty of misdemeanors when apprehended by the police officers. For example, Castile was shot and killed after being pulled over by the police for a broken taillight. Tamir Rice was shot by police after they were responding to a call that he was waving around a gun. Rice had a pellet gun tucked into his waistband. African Americans having to fear violence especially from police officers, who are meant to keep people safe, presents a barrier in their daily lives that makes achieving the American Dream

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