Point Of View In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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In the story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin, the story is told in first person. The point of view was Sonny’s brother, because from the opening of the story he used I and even throughout the story. When reading the story you get the feeling it was going to be about the feelings the narrator and some accounts about his brother Sonny. Being that the story was in first person we are expecting that the accounts or events will be about the narrator’s life, but in reality we will get two life stories in one. By Sonny’s brother telling the story it gives the reader a sense of their closeness (being his and Sonny’s), but their relationship wasn’t as close as it was. They were drawing the reader in by letting us see if the relationship could be salvage. He is telling mostly Sonny’s story, but he puts his own memories in as well. His own memories and account of their relationship and what he remembers. The narrator’s memories of his father and mother might have been different if it was told in a different point of view as well. He remembers his mothers account with him and how she was telling him to take care of his brother. Her words to him was “You got to hold on to your brother” and “don’t let him fall no matter what it looks like is …show more content…

He was a man that had many struggles and obstacles in life. If he was to tell his story, the accounts might be deflected and the memories might be tainted. Even if the story was to change into many points of views, we could have Sonny’s, the brother’s, and the mother’s. We have all the characters in the story with all their accounts of what happened, but we would just have different problems, responsibilities, and effects. Everyone had their moments in the story with their accounts, but it’s most effective with one person’s point of view. The narrator was able to tell his story and the story of Sonny’s to where it was most

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