Plaintiff Vs Dupont Case Study

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Sabine Dupont is the Plaintiff and believes Ronald Witherspoon the Defendant created false statements against her for the sole purpose of her leaving his company to start her own company. The Plaintiff believes the Defendant purposefully did this to discredit her reputation. Whether the allegations made by the Defendant or not are true, the Plaintiff’s image and business have suffered a great amount, even after the Plaintiff made the Defendant aware that her intention was not to compete with his business. As proof there exists fliers of both businesses, and as shown the Plaintiffs flyer shows no sign of intended competition. The relationship between the Plaintiff and the Defendant was very friendly and close. The Defendant believes the Plaintiff has misjudged what has occurred to her for the past few months, as retaliation from his part. The Plaintiff worked for the Defendant for four years and within that time there were no issues, until the Plaintiff’s work plans changed. Of course, the most important evidence of all is the letter by Delilah Simpson a client of Mr. Witherspoons, where she informs us of his ill-informed communication with her about Ms. Dupont.
My Verdict …show more content…

The Plaintiff did not give any consent to the Defendant allowing him to show this information. The language used by the Defendant was harmful, without first stating that this is only his opinion, he spoke to discredit the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff's reputation was damaged by the Defendant's disclosure of information, obviously being able to prove that by the loss of her clientele. Also in regards to the statement on HIV, that would fall under slander per se, in which case, malice on the part of the Defendant does not need to be established. The Defendant knew what he was doing and what it would cause if he released this information. The Defendant is

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