Pita Character Analysis

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With their father out of the house, Pita being the eldest, took charge. He did not start this once his father passed, but rather when he noticed his mother could not do everything on her own. Pita began to skip a lot of school and stay around the house watching, protecting his mother. Ma never asked Pita why he happened to be home during those occurrences. He was always beside her protecting her in anyway and helped keep his younger siblings in control. He had, “dreams for Ma and the family. It was up to him to make them real.”. (38) Pita was so concerned about his family that he never created strong relationships with his siblings. Tu wrote in his journal,
“I thought I was in for a lecture, but much to my surprise and embarrassment, Pita, big brother, twelve years my senior, who has been more of a father than a brother to me, and who has never spoken to me in all my life except to correct or command me, began talking about personal matters.”. (36) …show more content…

However, Pita comes to realize that he cannot just sit back, watch, and depend on the other men to end the war. When Rangi was sent home for a short time, he knew this was his perfect escape and that Rangi did his fair share and could stay home, to watch over the family. “One was enough from a family.” (188). However, Rangi did not stay home, he ended up right there with Pita, fighting beside him. Rangi always had the best sense of humor and as always in high spirits, but once Pita died, his whole world turned upside down. Rangi saw it happen and tried carrying him, it was no good. Pita asked to be put

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