Pit Bulls Vs Chihuahua

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Animal shelters are overflowing with dogs; this is a well known fact. For some dogs, this stay at a shelter is a quick stop, and for others, it may last a lifetime, but for the purpose of this essay, the dogs spoken of will be thought of at no-kill shelters. Two breeds find it increasingly hard to catch the eye of their potential adopters: Those two breeds are the Pit bull and the Chihuahua. Why would these two breeds have such a hard time being adopted? Pit bulls and Chihuahuas are greatly overlooked in shelters, and this essay will compare and contrast the things that keep these dogs in shelters; such things are physical appearance, common stereotypes, and behaviors that will either lead to adoption or deter potential adopters. Firstly, …show more content…

Adopters want convenient dogs, not dogs they have to train. When confronted with these two breeds barking viciously at the gate, an adopter will think, “Wow, that would get annoying.” when looking at a chihuahua, and when looking at a pit they would quickly hurry by in order to not have to deal with, “A lot of dog”. Adopters usually can’t handle the strong pulling of a pit bull, and this scares them. On the other hand, these people would rather go dog-less than be annoyed all day by such incessant barking as these little rat dogs produce. So how do these dogs get out of the slammer? Well there are some behaviors that will melt some adopters’ …show more content…

Pit bulls and Chihuahuas may be vastly different in size, similar in reasons for being in the shelter, different stereotypes keeping them there, and they may be the sweetest cuddly creatures, but shelters are still overflowing with them, because the bottom line is, they are common. Pit bulls and Chihuahuas are greatly overlooked due to this. In the end, these vastly different dogs aren't so different, and often become friends with each other during their stay. Even though these dogs are less desirable, there are still roaring fans of this breed that will continue to rescue and adopt them. So don't just sit there! Look beyond the stereotype and give them a

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