Pit Bulls Research Paper

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The media’s attack on pit bulls started when drug dealers were chaining them up using them as a weapon against police. In the media Pit Bulls and portrayed as vicious dogs that attack owners, strangers, and children without warning. There are several other breeds that bite and attack, however you only hear about the pit bulls. For example if on day one a Lab mix bites a child you will see it in the newspaper the following day; day two when a Great Dane bites two adults you will see it on the news the next day; day three a Rottweiler attacks an elderly woman in her backyard and it is aired on all network stations; day four a Pit Bull Terrier bites a mailman and you will hear and see it on every station in the country. This is a good example …show more content…

They can be very large powerful breed that if taught or neglected can cause very serious damage. Pit Bulls are one of the most misunderstood dogs. They can look very aggressive when barking however be very tame and docile. This once used for fighting breed has gotten the label of the most dangerous breed label. While pit Bulls were once used to protect their children are now feared. There is a problem with dogs biting but it is not breed specific. Awareness about the breed will help save lives. Hundreds of Pit Bulls are put down every month. Pit Bulls have the highest euthanasia rate among dogs. Part of the problem is there are too many irresponsible owners that do not spay or neuter their Pit Bulls and then the puppies end up in shelters. Due to the misconception of Pit Bulls and the laws the puppies are immediately euthanized. The Pit Bull laws have shown that they are not effective in cutting down of the number of bites. This shows how it isn’t the breed but the owners that neglect and force Pit Bulls to be vicious. There are too many Pit Bulls being put down for no real reason. These dogs are misjudged for their ferocious reputation. Owners that have mistreated and abused Pit Bulls made them fight each other have done a disservice towards the breed. Laws that protect abused and neglected dogs need to be stricter and enforced so that powerful breeds don’t harm innocent people. Today’s society judges pit bulls on what they have read, seen on television and seen on the internet. Pit Bulls have the same instincts that any other breed has. Chasing squirrels, protecting or attacking when felt threatened, just like a Chihuahua would. Laws that required training of the dog and owners would be beneficial to all parties involved. There are still going to be the owners that do not follow the laws however they are the same owners that treat their pit bulls inhumanely. There has always been a breed that is most feared but this is

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