Pidgin English Essay

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Introduction Pidgin English has in the past been regarded as an illiterate variety of the English language, but recent study proved otherwise, as the concept is now being studied and major distortions being clarified by such studies. An investigation into the use of Pidgin English in Nigeria is necessary in order to understand the social structures of the society and the language behaviour itself. Thus, an investigation into the use of Pidgin English in Nigeria is necessary in order to understand the social structures of the society and the language behaviour itself. Writing on Nigeria pidgin, Jowitt (31) remarks that recently the pidgin has attained the feat of dignity not only among the illiterates but also the literate members of the society. …show more content…

Meaning arises in interaction. Meaning links the distinctions between various expressions. Language allows for describing oneself and the circumstances of one's existence (Maturana & Varela, 1998). The ability of describing oneself is only possible through language. Language is the prerequisite for phenomena like reflection and consciousness. Interaction through language constitutes identity and social adaptation (Maturana & Varela, 1998). Based on language we are able to categorize our experiences and ascribe meaning to it. We ascribe meaning to each word. It is the meaning what the word is there for. ... tacit knowing is the fundamental power of the mind, which creates explicit knowing, lends meaning to it and controls its uses (Polanyi, (156). No one speaks the same way all the time and people constantly exploit the nuances of the languages they speak for a wide variety of purposes. The consequence is a kind of paradox, hence the formation and use of slangs, jargons, argots and to mention but few. All these manifest different linguistic behavior. While many linguists would like to view any language as a homogeneous entity and each speaker of that language as controlling only a single style, so that they can make the strongest possible theoretical generalizations, in actual fact that language will exhibit considerable internal variation, and single-style speakers will not be found (or, if found, will appear to be quite ‘abnormal’ in that

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