Pi Kappa Alpha Character Analysis

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What made you volunteer for Pi Kappa Alpha? I made myself available to the chapter for a number of years and through that involvement, I saw areas where I might provide some positive influence and offered my assistance.

What keeps you volunteering for Pi Kappa Alpha? It is truly rewarding to witness the growth in the chapter and its individual members. I cannot take credit for individual GPA’s but I like to think I at least made them evaluate why they are in school. I guarantee that each and every members of Epsilon Phi has heard me say “you came here to get an education; not to join a fraternity”. I do my best to keep them focused on the task at hand which is to earn a degree. And I am very adamant about the priorities we teach and that …show more content…

I was at home and Logan Hirsch, the past chapter President, who had already graduated called and asked if I was planning to attend the 2016 International Convention in New Orleans. I told him I had given it some thought but I had not committed. He asked if he was speaking at the convention if that would influence my decision. Of course I asked what he would be speaking about and that was how he told me he had been selected as the Robertson – Most Outstanding Undergraduate. I had submitted his name and application for the award but he obviously did all the work. When I heard his acceptance speech in New Orleans, I had no doubt that he was a deserving candidate for that honor. Since then I’ve learned that Pi Kappa Alpha has an abundance of undergraduates just like Logan within our chapters. That same sense of pride swelled up again as I watched him reach that pinnacle of success. My hope is that I may have done something along the way to help him reach his goal.

As a chapter advisor, you’re charged with recruiting and supporting volunteers; what do you tell potential volunteers? My#1 advice to any volunteer is to not make a promise they cannot keep. If the chapter asks me to do something and I’m not certain I can make it happen then I do not commit to it. However, if they do ask for something and I agree to it then I will do all that I can to make it come to fruition. By the same token, if they promise me something I expect them to come through as

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