Physician Assisted Suicide Safeguards Essay

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Samantha Carrigg
Essay 3
13 October 2014
ENG 101-013

Safeguards for Legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide

For years physicians have been restricted from assisting suffering patients in terminating their own lives. Those who suffer from great pain and agonize from terminal illnesses should have the right to end their lives. It is a physician’s duty to relieve any patients suffering as best as possible and to preserve the dignity of the patient. Although they should also “do no harm,” denying patients the option to terminate their own life, thus ending their suffering, is doing harm. Although physician assisted suicide is currently legal in a few states, it should be legalized across the entire Unites States. This can be done with proper guidelines and safeguards such as requiring patients to undergo psychiatric evaluations after requesting assisted death, thoroughly investigating the patient’s reason for the request and ruling out coercion, and holding doctors legally accountable. “Physician Assisted Suicide- the voluntary termination of one’s own life by administration of a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician. Physician Assisted Suicide is the practice of providing a competent patient with a prescription for …show more content…

It is the doctor’s responsibility to realize this and refer the patient for psychiatric evaluation. In the above case, the doctor did not do so, and the results are overwhelming. The patient may have had other options that had not yet been discussed, but her judgment was clouded and she felt that there was no alternative. Had she been properly evaluated there may have been a different result. In this case it is clear that the physician is at fault. The events of this particular case are unfortunate, and a prime example of what can happen without proper

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