Physician Assisted Suicide Case Study

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When Steven learns about Jeffery’s diagnosis he is shocked. He thought it was a mistake. Steven starts to go downhill in his schoolwork and suddenly becomes very closed off. Steven’s mother starts crying when she has to tell the news, but she stays strong. She takes Jeffrey to Philadelphia every week and tries to stay on top of everything. Steven’s father just gives a completely blank when he hears about the diagnosis. He barely talks or makes no sign of a facial expression. In my personal opinion, for a family to get through a members illness, they have to communicate. Communication is something the Alper family rarely made an effort to try. If you communicate with your family members, you will surely be able to get through your tough time. My favorite scene is definitely when Steven learns about Samantha’s death. Even though it is terribly sad, Steven learned a lot from the incident. He realized that he needed to be with Jeffrey every step of the way, unlike Samantha’s sister. “Samantha died without a sister, so Jeffrey is going to live with a brother,” Steven said. Steven is very humorous, though when he learns about Jeffrey’s diagnosis his humor just turns into sarcasm. Humour help Steven because it is one of his stronger personality traits. Music is Steven’s ultimate …show more content…

Community service, for example is something that can do to help change the world. You can also help people out, maybe ask them how they are doing during their rough periods of time. Even though there are some things that you can’t change (even if you try), that doesn’t mean everything is not up to you. Keeping your school clean, studying hard, being kind, and helping teachers and friends out are all examples of things that you CAN change. Instead of thinking of things you can’t change, think up ideas of ways that you can make a change in some way. Go out into the world and make a

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