Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish

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Pfeffer's flamboyant cuttlefish is a wonder of nature and a possible evolutionary 'next step' in cuttlefish. These cuttlefish have three remarkable features. The first, which gives it its name, is the fact that when startled these cuttlefish display vibrant colors of white, yellow, pink and purple. (Like all cephalapods, they achieve this remarkable feat of quick change using chromatophores which open and close to reveal different pigments.) This is a warning display to alert predators to the fact that the cuttlefish is in fact toxic. This is the only known example of a toxic cuttlefish. They contain a toxin as deadly as that of its cousin the blue-ringed octopus. This toxin is pervasive throughout the body with the muscles actually containing the toxin. This is actually the first instance of a toxic bodied animal in this group of animals. This toxin is a previously unknown class which may at some point have medical applications. (NOVA) The third remarkable feature is the preferred locomotion of this creature. Flamboyants tend to spend most of their time 'walking' along the s...

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