Pete's Dragon Heros Journey

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What it's like to have a dragon best friend Imagine the fear of losing your parents to a car crash in the middle of nowhere, you're all alone surrounded by the scary wonders of nature then all the sudden you interact with a creature you did not believe existed. The fear of what was hidden beneath the shadows of the forest could not overwhelm him forever. As soon as Pete took a step into the forest his archetypal journey had began. Pete did not want to face his fear of nature or what occurred within them. He risked consequences, but he had already stepped inside. He believed there would be a large challenge that came upon him which caused him to become frightened. Pete did not believe in himself when it came to strength and confidence. Pete wanted to give up and turn around but along came a large …show more content…

In the film Pete's Dragon, David Lowery conveys the hero's level of strength and the journeys plot line to reveal how we as humans tend to avoid frightening paths because they challenge our abilities and all we want is for life to take us through easy and non-stressful paths; however, the frightening paths always end up leading us to the most incredible moments. In the beginning of the movie Pete's Dragon, Pete a young boy who was put through a difficult situation strongly believed he would not be able to survive. After the loss of his loving parents he chose to take on the archetypal journey full of confidence and strength, he met a friendly creature along the way. According to the movie Pete's Dragon, Elliot swoops Pete off his feet on to Elliots hand and as Pete is staring into Elliot's eyes he states “Are you gonna eat me?”. After, Pete finally decided to face his fear of what lied within the woods. As he took a step in, he heard terrifying noises which

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