Pet Persuasive Speech

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Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a ... kitten? Attention cat fanciers! As you may know by now, Tails from the Scratching Post is a column that centrally focuses on our feline friends. However, the issue of adopting a pet at Christmas time not only includes our cat comrades, but also dogs and other treasured pets as well. That being said, Tails will detour from its usual feline-associated cat matters and include all pets as we explore the reasons that Fido or Fluffy may not be the best gift Santa can bring down the chimney this year. The decision to adopt any animal is a serious one, whether it has feathers, fur or scales. Even the decision to purchase a goldfish should …show more content…

It is imperative, however, to think about this new pet in the long-term. This new furry family member will be here long after we've sung our last Jingle Bells or packed away the final ornament. How many pets have we seen be misplaced after a holiday because the excitement has faded? Many rescue shelters take in dozens of baby bunnies, ducklings and chicks after Easter's novelty has worn off. Unfortunately, the winter holidays are no different. The decision to adopt a pet should be made before the holidays approach. If Christmas morning is the time when that pre-made decision is followed through to fruition, then go for it. If the choice feels rushed, or is made impulsively, you may want to think twice. There are many aspects to …show more content…

Purchasing a pet is a serious decision and one that should never be made on a whim. Furthermore, you should never, ever give a pet as a present for a friend or another family. It is almost always a bad idea. If they don't already have a pet, there's probably a good reason. It's vital that someone personally selects a pet that best suits them - one they can choose and have a special connection with. Sarah Anderson of Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospital tells a story of a kitten given to her as a gift by her husband. "After recently losing my beloved cat to sudden illness, I was devastated. My husband thought he could ease my pain by surprising me with a 6-week-old kitten. I wasn’t ready for a new cat. This has left me between a rock and hard place. He hadn't considered the 15+ year commitment we now owe this little one. I love her, and we are keeping her, but I can't help feeling like I am obligated

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