Persuasive Essay: Why Testing Should Be Banded

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Why Testing Should be Banded
As the school year is starting to wind down many students ranging from elementary school to college are beginning to take the dreaded standardized test and final exams. Students have been preparing for weeks and weeks to take these test by studying and cramming all the information in that they learned that school year or semester into their brains. However, do they truly know the information or are they just trying to memorize all of it for the standardized test and final exams and throwing all the information away after all the test are done and over with? The problem with standardized testing and academic testing in general is that it is not truly testing a student’s academic ability. For example, what if it …show more content…

The reason why these test do not show their true ability because there are also external factors in the students life that comes into play in affecting their score on these test. Many teachers, students, and parents think that schools are putting too much pressure on test, which can be bad, which is why people what these test banded. Many people have are writing about how they want these test band but are not doing any action about which is why I came up with a two part solution that can someone can take action on. This includes talking to school officials and government officials on trying to convenience them to band standardized testing and replace it with something called game assessments. These game assessments incorporate testing but in a fun way which can reduce some of those external factors like test anxiety that affect a student’s score and can actually test a student’s ability. It can also help teacher’s exams skills that they would not be able to with standardized testing which overall means that gaming assessments are more effective than standardized test and that all schools should replace standardized test with gaming

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