Persuasive Essay: We Should Keep Capital Punishment

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Thesis: We should keep Capital Punishment because it shows that murder or rape is a serious crime and that the United States doesn’t take that matter softly.
Capital Punishment should be kept because it has been around for a long time and it takes the philosophy “a life for a life” which means that if a person kills another person, then they shall suffer the same faith. Novel guide states that “if someone commits a crime heinous and violent enough, that this is the only acceptable way to be punished”. Novel Guide also stated that most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes: also that it doesn’t matter if it deters the crime rate or not”. A lot of people feel this way about Capital Punishment. Another source, Robert Macy, who is District Attorney of Oklahoma City explained that “in 1991, there was a case of a young mother who had to watch her baby get executed by criminals”. He also stated that “the killer should not lie in some prison with three meals a day, clean sheets, cable TV, family visits, and other endless appeals. He ended this with a strong statement saying “some killers just need to die”. …show more content…

Some families think that if the killer of their family member is brought to the death penalty, then it will bring some closure to the family. Many families have said that they feel some closure when they know that the killer of their family member is dead. An Ohio woman was murdered and the killer went through the death penalty and the attorney general stated that it brought some closure to the victim. They may not get the family member back to bring the closure fully out, but they would get to rest easy knowing that the killer is no longer breathing this air or walking on this earth

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