Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Unavoidable Confinement “The caged eagle becomes a metaphor for all forms of isolation, the ultimate in imprisonment. A zoo is prison,”states South American Nobel Prize winner in Literature, Nadine Gardimer. The topic of zoos is certainly a debatable one, resulting in people in absolute opposition to or in favour of the facility’s usage. However some negative aspects of zoos are undoubtedly not debatable. Zoos should be prohibited as they do not usually provide appropriate space for the animals, captive animals may suffer from abnormal behaviour, and zoos often eliminate surplus animals in inhumane ways.
Zoos should be prohibited, as they do not provide ample space for the animals. They are kept in enclosures and are not allowed to live their natural lives. For instance, elephants travel many kilometres each day in their natural habitats. However, they are forced to spend endless days in the same enclosure, making their lives uneventful and unvaried. A ban would improve the lives of the former inhabitants of the zoo as they are often sent back to wild or natural parks. Additionally, social animals get isolated from …show more content…

Zoos often eliminate surplus or unwanted animals by sending them to slaughter, an inhumane action. For instance a young unwanted male giraffe living at the Copenhagen Zoo was simply slaughtered as he was considered to be genetically unsuitable for future breeding. Additionally, zoos get rid of surplus animals by feeding them to other zoo animals. In some cases, this leads to sickness or death as the unwanted animals were sick themselves. This is inevitable as they are hurting other animals. Furthermore, they are frequently sold to other zoos, dealers, and circuses. This causes further anxiety in the animals. Therefore, due to the elimination of surplus animal in horrific ways, zoos should be

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