Persuasive Essay On War On Drugs

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Drugs are part of the fabric of our culture and the drug epidemic has been a significant social adversary whose harmful effects and ramifications are daily news in our life. Considerable funds and human resources have been drained and exhausted trying to deal with this epidemic in a two-decades, governmental policy of " war on drugs “, yet there is no visible light at the end of the tunnel. What we see instead is a breeding ground for violence, gangs, and organized crime, not to mention the high rise of drug related offenses which overcrowds the court and prison systems and of which more than 80 percent are for possession of an illegal substance. And hence, a major debate on the legalization vs the criminalization of drugs has been at work in which the antiwar on drugs. Supporters presume we will be better off with a policy of legalizing drugs, and both sides of the argument have come up with theories and claims that range from the persuasive to the absurd and from the genuine to the mere propaganda. One of the main arguments put forth by the pro-drug war supporters is the claim that the availability and markdown of illicit drugs would lead to an epidemic of catastrophic …show more content…

So, unless we are to believe that four out five regular users have a child every year, this will be just an exaggeration and a propaganda during which captive monkeys were given free and abundant access to cocaine and the result was monkeys starving themselves to death due to their indulgence in the drug. Now, this is an invalid argument in itself because legalizing drugs don't mean free access to drugs, it just means regulating the prices, and this argument might fit if the opposing argument were to give prison inmates free and abundant access to

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