Persuasive Essay On War On Drugs

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“Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.” - Kurt Cobain. The term “War on Drugs” came about in 1971 during a press conference given by Richard Nixon. Since then, many initiatives have been put into motion to try and stop the tyranny of drugs, although some think that they are failing. Although some say initiatives to fight drugs have been reportedly failing, countries should continue to fight the war on drugs because if not, the people involved with drugs will continue to cause problems within a country, cause a state of distrust between countries, and cause a state of panic within the everyday person. Many people believe that the world should try different …show more content…

Other reports say that these initiatives cost more on taxpayers, “The direct monetary cost to American taxpayers of the war on drugs includes spending on police, the court personnel used to try drug users and traffickers, and the guards and other resources spent on imprisoning and punishing those convicted of drug offenses. Total current spending is estimated at over $40 billion a year” (Becker and Murphy). The temporary costs of these initiatives will be worth the overall cost of death and despair caused by drugs. Also the cost of drugs would decrease drastically if people continued the war on drugs and got rid of drugs entirely. Some people are saying laws would help eliminate some of the problems, but it only strengthens others. In the Philippines, there is a law that allows people to shoot others freely if they believe they are drug dealers. The law making it legal to kill drug dealers has gotten out of hand. Michael Siaron, a innocent pedicab driver, was shot down by a person who claimed Michael was a drug pusher. The Filipino president

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