Persuasive Essay On The Impact Of Sports On Children

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Participation in sports is important, and should be encouraged by parents everywhere. Sports have been around forever; however, many kids and parents are growing less interested in being apart of a team. Not only does participating in a sport improve the physical health of the child, but it helps kids learn about key skills for the future, while it can often forge and enhance other relationships. It is no secret that sports can help the physical well being of a child. There are many sports where conditioning is critical. With the rate of obesity in the United States on the rise, sports can help decrease that incline by burning calories. They will not only burn away the fat, but they will make muscles stronger and toned. They can help the kids later on for lifting heavier objects. When the parents are moving houses, or if the kids get a job where manual labor is needed, the kid will be more prepared for those experiences. While sports can help a person grow muscles, they can also improve the strength of bones. Taking up a sport is one of the easiest ways to maintain bone density growing up. This can become very important as a child grows up, because the aging of a person can decrease their bone density, which is …show more content…

Sports provides us with a physical activity that improve the functions of the body. The heart for example, needs the exercise that is involved with sports, since it needs to pump the blood throughout the body. Sports can help control diabetes, because they make the insulin in the body perform to their peaks. All in all, they help the body fight against many diseases. When a person exercises, the white blood cells travel around the body much more efficiently. Playing a sport helps the body sweat out unwanted toxins in our body, and the rising temperature that the body has helps fight bacteria. While the sports are improving the body physically, they also improve the social skills in the

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