Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Thousands of people lose their loved one’s lives or their own lives each year due to car accidents because of this growing issue. Many know about it and the consequences it has, but still do it. This activity, done without driving, can be enjoyed between friends, can past time, and millions do it every day. However, this activity isn’t drinking. It is texting and accounts for 1,600,000 accidents per year. Yet, the reparations for texting and driving are far less than those of drinking and driving. The laws set place don’t deter young drivers from participating in the dangerous activity while driving. Legislature, however, has a tough making new and stricter laws to prevent these accidents because of the sensitivity of the issue. Many fear legislature will cross the line between public safety and restricting the first amendment right of free …show more content…

Because texting and using a cell phone is a form of expression, many think these laws will restrict the first amendment right. Nonetheless, texting and driving is considered a dangerous activity that imposes a threat on public safety. Texting and driving should be treated the same as the second amendment of the right to bear arms. In which case, Americans have the right to own a gun just like they have a right to text; however, when the gun poses a threat to the safety of others the owner is arrested just like how when someone is drinking and driving they are arrested. This is how testing and driving should be treated. Therefore, the law against texting and driving should have the same implications as drinking and driving to help lower the amount of car collisions and deaths caused by accidents related to

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