Persuasive Essay On Teenage Obesity

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Teenager Obesity
Television series named as “My 600 lbs. life” on channel TLC is a real illustration of the problem which exists in our country that is obesity. According to the national institute of child health and human development research that highlights a fact that teenage obesity is the fastest growing problem in the country. The percentage of teens that are overweight or obese in last three decades has more than doubled. In the year 1980, the percentage was 5% over the time this rate was increased up to 21% by the year 2012. Research also indicates that 12.5% million of child aged group from 2 to 19 are considered as overweight that can be controlled by dieting, medication, physical exercises and even surgery could be an option.
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Today’s people think that convenience is the mother of desire. Whatever is easiest people pick that they are not willing to put any efforts to do things. From transportation to work, from entertainment to home chores they grab the opportunity that near to their reach. As per the health department, one-fourth of USA children age between 8 to 16 at least spend four hours a day for watching television. “A high caloric intake, a sedentary lifestyle including excess television viewing, high-fat foods, and large portion sizes are all known contributors to juvenile obesity” (Maidenberg 85).
Where to control the weight and fat levels the child needs to perform at least one-hour intense physical activity every day. Also, a sedentary lifestyle with the combination of poor food choices made unhealthier them. They consume a large number of prepackaged and fast food which are higher in fact and calories teen needs to switch high calories snacks with fruits and vegetables that give them energy with fewer …show more content…

Children, parents, doctors, teachers, public health law center, government, and agriculture are at the common forum. Parents should watch what their children are doing? the doctor should guide parents and children what is the for there health. The teacher can put their efforts to tell them what is good and bad choices? Public health law center can evaluate the food supplying in the market also in the school, what management is providing in school lunch that should on the standard of (USDA) United States Department of agriculture and federal law also need to check food items on the vending machine systems in schools. And “Replace vending machines containing unhealthy foods and drinks and replace with healthy items. There should be a limit on portions and ounces” (Green 915). Over the years research identifies that current generation is gaining a significant amount of weight as compared to older and spending hours in sitting activates rather than physical workouts with unhealthy eating

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