Persuasive Essay On Selling Human Organs

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The Selling of Human Organs The selling of human organs should illegal. If organ selling is allowed to be sold and purchased it will violate the rights of people, and society should not participate in anything that will create injustices. Every individual deserves the right to live as full and prosperous life. As an American we are obligated to make sure every individual rich or poor receives equal medical benefits. Allowing a market to sell human organs will only benefit the rich, the wealthy individuals will have the chance to live, and it would put the poor individuals in danger due to selling their organs, and by not being able to afford to purchase an organ. We are created equal, and it would be unjust to allow a market for trading organs. A market in selling organs will lead to exploitation of the individuals who are in the poor class. Many people who are in the poor class are usually desperate for …show more content…

The patients ages varies from young children to adults. “The challenges facing contemporary organ transplantation policy are significant. In 1996, in the United States, 72,386 patients waited on the United Network for Organ Sharing lists for transplants (UNOS, 1998). By October of 1999 the waiting lists included 66,175 patients; yet in 1998 only 21,197 organ transplants of all types were performed. Indeed, in1996, 4,022 patients died while waiting for suitable organs; in 1997, incidence of death on the waiting lists increased to 4,327 (UNOS, 1998). Many others endured temporary life-sustaining measures, such as kidney dialysis, while waiting on the organ queue for transplantation” (Cherry, 2000). If we as a people could start a fundraiser to raise money for people who may be in need for an organ transplant, maybe the donors list could be more successful. Also if the family of the deceased would allow the doctors harvest their organs in order to save a life that would be help as

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