Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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You are relaxing on your couch watching the 5 o’clock news when you see yet another story of a school shooting, you are sad but not devastated, as you did not know any of the victims. But what would you do if it was your child? You would spend the rest of your life wishing there was someone there to protect them, and you believe arming teachers would save your child’s life. A school teacher can receive special training and become just as useful as armed police officers. Minimal lives would be lost in a shooting because teachers would begin returning fire once the gunman starts shooting. Teachers should be permitted to carry weapons in schools. School staff can be their own first responders. “You cannot wait for minutes to pass, something has to be done in a matter of seconds”, stated David Hopkins, superintendent of Clarksville school district (The Today Show “Should Teachers and School Staff be Armed?”). The gunman will not wait for first responders to get there to start shooting. They will have extra minutes to shoot at people instead of being taken down right away. Matt Templeton claimed, “Students feel safer knowing that the teachers have guns, and would rather have …show more content…

Stay at home mom April Jolley said “I don’t think it would be a danger. If anything it’d keep them more protected. They could take it out and protect their own students in the class” (Murphy 5). Teachers are the first line of defense for students. It would be very hard for a gunman to get to students if the gunman was surrounded by armed teachers. Also, if schools had to wait for police to come, it is likely that the inside of the school would become very chaotic. Instead of the school being filled with panicked students and teachers trying to hide, it would be full of relief because a teacher took down the gunman. A gunman could not get far into the school because they would be taken down in a matter of

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