Persuasive Essay On Raising The Driving Age

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Graduated Licenses would help teenagers to drive more than raising the age limit. We still wan’t them to drive, don’t we? They should still have the freedom to drive to school or work. Not every teen gets in a crash, so why treat them like they all do? That is not fair to the ones who actually drive good and want to learn to be a better driver. Graduated Licenses would help teenagers to become better drivers, and help to save innocent lives.

Graduated Licenses help to reduce the amount of crashes for many teenagers. Even though there was the Maryland accident, that was only once. Graduated Licenses would help teens to learn more about driving, so they would be better at it. If you raise the age limit, that would just cause crashes to happen at age eighteen and not sixteen. The Chicago accident might not have happened if they had Graduated Licenses, and knew how to control the situation. …show more content…

It would make things harder for countless families to get everybody where they need to go. When people who oppose what I am saying criticize what I am saying, that is really not fair. Why blame all teens for just one or two’s mistakes? Mistakes help people learn, so if they survive, they learn, and if they learn, they survive. It is a continuing cycle until death, which could be prevented on the road. Why take away the freedom of thousands, maybe millions, because of the mistake of so few? GDLs are not perfect, because humans made it, and they are far from perfect. (Not trying to bring up religion or beliefs) They would help teens to drive better to possibly save a life. The teenager would also learn from their mistakes, making them even smarter on the road. You won’t have to worry about alcohol for another six to four years. Let them have their freedom, but with guidance, and later in life they might even appreciate it. (I think I got way to emotional!, just trying to prove my

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