Argumentative Essay On Race And Religion

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Ellie Wiesel once said, “No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them” This quote speaks volumes all on its own. I enjoy this quote simply because it speaks of something that is very real, the separation of men and women by race and religion is something we experience every day and we are so immune to it that we don’t even realize that the fact that it continues to happen day after day.
Race is a subject that consumes the mind of many different people. Although race is very important in our everyday lives, it shouldn’t be something to hate people over. Whether you are Black, White, Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, German, Italian and many different, ethnicities, different cultures should be celebrated, not judged. Many great and admirable people have lost their lives fighting for equality. It’s unfortunate that many great people continue to die to this day, except they’re dying because of LACK of equality among races. It’s very sad to admit the fact that people can hate others over the color of someone’s skin, or the land that someone was born on. I believe everyone can all benefit and use great things gained from the customs and culture of each different race.
When I was in sixth grade I had a language arts teacher who was a racist. The class population was primarily white, there a few Hispanics, and a few African American …show more content…

Different races have different cultures, and in those cultures are different beliefs, value systems, and religions. You may be asking yourself “What does Eileen Weisel’s statement mean?” To me the quote means that no religious belief is below or on a lower level than the other. I feel those who discriminate against differences between other people want every human to be the same without realizing that differences into becoming our own unique

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