Persuasive Essay On Piracy

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“You wouldn’t steal a car; you wouldn’t steal a purse…” Perhaps I would pay for this ticket for the new Ghostbusters, which is rated terrible amongst critics and box office reviews. Perhaps I would purchase a song on iTunes that is in fuzzy quality from a disbanded artist than listen to it for free online. Perhaps I would not upload my images and personal documents on a file sharing site for my colleagues to see, and critique and revise my portfolio and social media page. We all get it, Piracy is the boogieman of intellectual property, but does that mean we should waste time, effort, and even money on threatening and looking down on the people who pirates or shares media every day? But what if a friend gives it to me? I think that’s lending. It’s like borrowing a book you want to read. ’‘I wouldn’t steal software, if I were one out of ten. Therefore, I am against the anti-piracy beliefs and the punishment for violation of pirating because of corporations using region locks, Digital Rights Management aka DRM (polluting any form of media forcing you to agree to the terms of service and provide a legitimate serial you need to buy, before the CD boots), fines/jail time, lously quality media, and counting the heads of the …show more content…

A slap on the wrist does not hurt, but a quarter million dollar fine and or five years in the slammer for watching a bootleg copy is the real punishment? Actually, there is more consequences than being a literal robber or murderer, and now we have what these anti-pirates call, DRM; polluting the softwares forcing you to agree to the terms of service and provide a legitimate serial you need to buy, before the CD boots. Not to mention for these developers of torrent sites gets convicted even though they do not follow Uncle Sam’s playbook. Most people view piracy as non-threatening like a few computer scientists quoted ‘For financial reasons. If I can find something, say, for free and everybody finds it for free, then why pay

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