Persuasive Essay On Physical Fitness

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Let’s face it, in the modern age, everybody is so busy with technology and daily activities that physical fitness can become difficult to maintain and dieting can be a daily uphill battle with little to no success. So we turn to hiring a personal trainer to help guide us on the path to physical fitness. But do we really need one? We think so, here are five reasons why. 1. Accountability The average person spends over 8 hours and 41 minutes a day on average on electronic devices according to a recent study. Time is short within our day so we often find excuses to spend as much time as possible doing as little as possible, this poses a problem as people become less eager to do something productive and more willing to sit on the couch and watch Netflix. But what if you had someone to be accountable to for an hour out of your day? Assigning yourself a trainer gives you a quantifiable amount of time per week to get into the gym and provides you with a reason to go. This alone can lead to a drastic change in your appearance and overall health. The first and most important step to a healthier you is …show more content…

Despite what you may see in social media, commercials, and on the internet, not everything will work for you. Take two individual people (same age, gender, occupation, height, weight, and routine) you would still end up with two completely different results. The reason is that you would have to replicate time training, metabolism, biomechanics, genetics and most importantly diet. Your personal trainer is your individual mentor and as such is there to tailor everything specifically to you. Can you try to figure it out on your own? Sure, but having a second set of eyes on you critiquing form can point out things that you may not necessarily notice on your own that will manifest in your results down the road. The smallest changes could lead the most drastic difference in

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