Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Euthanasia

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Legalizing Euthanasia: The Act of Mercy or Murder? Nowadays, as technology has rapidly developed in such an advance speed, scientists have invented lots of new cures for many rare diseases, which may extend the longevity of human life. However, not any diseases has a cure. Patients of cancer or of some incurable diseases still have to suffer from pains and fight, every single day, against their illnesses. Because some of their pains are so severe, some patients can’t endure but seek for death through their physicians as a way to free themselves from the pains. (The method of killing patients assisted by physicians is called euthanasia.) Throughout the world, euthanasia is still a new concept to mankind and not being widely recognized. Some …show more content…

Basically, euthanasia is the intentional act of ending a long-term-sick patient’s life with or without his or her consent. Generally, there are four types of euthanasia: active euthanasia is the act of physicians who directly give patients lethal doses or medicines; passive euthanasia is the act of removing life-support equipment from the patients, especially the comatose one; voluntary euthanasia, which is the common type, is the act of killing a patient’s life with his or her consent; and involuntary euthanasia is the practice of ending one’s life without his or her agreement. In the last several centuries, euthanasia was still considered an illegal practice in most part of the world. However, recently, a few Western countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc. regulate euthanasia. Particularly, in USA, Oregon, Washington, Montana, etc. are some very few states that legalize the use of euthanasia on patients (New Health Guide). Even though, euthanasia is gradually being accepted in some countries, it’s still a controversy topic that is being debated and studied for …show more content…

When euthanasia seems to be the solution for terminal illness, patients lose faith and hope in the future of medical care and euthanasia also undermines the duty of doctors and nurse in saving life. According to some studies conducted by researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York City, “Those experiencing pain, and limitations of function because of pain, were not very interested in physician-assisted suicide and were more likely to switch physicians if their doctor mentioned that he would be willing to perform euthanasia” (Emanuel). Legalizing euthanasia also cause pressure on vulnerable patients, which forces them to end their life due to limited medical supplies, cures, and resources. Thus, the practice of euthanasia will cause doubt for the quality of future medical care and cause panic for patients that terminally

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