Persuasive Essay On Jury Duty

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A few weeks into starting college, I received a call from my mother telling me something required my immediate attention. As it turns out I had been summoned for jury duty, approximately 150 miles, 2 hours, and a hundred dollars’ worth of gas away from where I was currently attending school. As soon as I found out what was happening, I got in touch with someone about rescheduling, something they would only let me do with proof of living out of state such as a driver’s license from another state, a lease, or a utility bill, none of which are things easily obtained by a college student living on campus, especially not with less than three weeks until they needed to be at court. Jury duty most simply explained as someone sitting in on a legal proceeding with a group of other people who then might be required to make a decision on aforementioned proceeding. While I understand that jury duty is considered a civic duty and is considered a compulsory obligation I also believe …show more content…

A chance of not being paid or being a college student are not the only reasons as to why someone might be unable to go to jury duty, though, they could be a parent with a child they can’t be away from for very long, or maybe they have a psychological reason for not being able to attend. Sometimes people don’t have a reason as to why they can’t go other than they don’t want to. That reason alone is one that is very difficult to not understand on some level, jury duty can be stressful, inconvenient and the fact that there is no way of knowing exactly how long the case might go on until it’s over are all reasons that could cause one’s stomach to fill with dread when they receive their

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