Persuasive Essay On Food Labels

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Today’s childhood obesity rates have sky rocketed out of control. It is not all their fault though. They have had a little help through the enormous portion sizes, the pricing incentives that encourage people to purchase large quantities of calorie-dense foods, junk food sales at school, and the reduction of physical activities in some schools. To help assuage the situation the government has decided to take a non-evasive stance from the sideline of the situation by encouraging the world to eat healthier by choosing to eat fruits and vegetables rather than eating junk food that is convenient to everyone. The government also encourages the world to disconnect from the electronics and go out and play in the natural world; get up and exercise …show more content…

are safe and wholesome. Food labels should be put on all products whether they are produced domestically or from foreign countries. Food labels are important to have when it comes to making healthy eating decisions; you can simply check a food product’s ingredient list to see if a product has additives, other ingredients that you want to avoid, and ingredients that you are not familiar with. Proper food labels can save humans a lot of trouble from getting into any unnecessary law suits because a food company that has failed to include dire information on a food label that could have saved someone’s life. For example, say that a chocolate company fails to mention that there is peanut oil within one of their products and someone that has a peanut allergy gets a hold of this product; that company puts all peanut allergenic chocolate lovers’ lives at risk because they failed to mention one small major detail on the chocolate product’s label. It is important that all food companies abide by the government’s guidelines; I understand that the government can get a little testy with the people but I also understand that the government is only doing this for the greater good of its people; that being said, if someone decides not to abide by the government’s guidelines they should be fined a fee of

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