Persuasive Essay On Driving To School

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Taking away someone’s right to drive to school just so it can reduce traffic and the tardiness problem is a no. Students and parents spend a good amount of money getting their car registered and able to be driven. Also, some students don’t have early morning classes but instead, afternoon classes and might need to leave school throughout the day. It is not fair to the student or parents to ban them from commuting to school. Buying a car is without a doubt expensive! Not to mention attaining a tag, title and insurance. Also keeping the car running, fueled with gas, and cleaning it as needed, requires money. If a student puts that much time and effort into a vehicle, it should be more than acceptable to drive their own car to school. In addition, some students may not have classes in the morning and may just have afternoon classes. Buses cannot wait at someone’s house and cater to every student’s class schedules. Say a student gets sick during the day, it would be out of line to make the parents drop everything at work and drive all the way to their child’s school just to take them home. If that student got sick and needed to leave, it would be more convenient for everyone if he or she had a vehicle and could leave without disturbing their parents at work. …show more content…

But for those that are able to drive, it becomes a hassle and seems inconvenient. Driving requires a lot of money. Essentially, banning a student from driving to school is like throwing money into the trash can. Also, some parents have jobs where they can't leave, this would be a burden if these parents would have to come up and take their child home every time they were sick or needed to leave. There will always be traffic in the mornings and there will always be a tardiness problem. Banning driving privileges would not help anything but cause monumental

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