Persuasive Essay On Drinking In School

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College students across the United States have taken for granted the opportunity to be able to go to school and achieve their career goals. This has led many to take different routes in their process of getting an education. College can be a great time period if a student surrounds themselves with the right people. However, in this generation, students can be very persuasive and make it seem that some actions, such as drinking, is a social norm. Going to college can be the first step to adulthood; however, many students take advantage of the amount of freedom they have and start making poor decisions. One of the biggest mistakes students face is consuming alcohol. According to Problem Drinking Behaviors: Differential Effects of Stress and School …show more content…

For example, alcohol can cause different kinds of cancer, diseases and even death. However, many students who choose to drink alcohol have understandable reasons to why they do it. They do it to bond with others so they can feel socially accepted, and to get away from stressful school assignments for a time period. Many choose not to acknowledge the consequences that it can bring to their health but other students and faculty need to reinforce these risks. If they were to emphasize these concerns, they could make a difference, such as decreasing the amount of students endangering themselves. Professor Room points out in his article Alcohol and Public Health how “Alcohol is causally related to more than 60 different medical conditions. Overall, 4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol, which accounts for about as much death and disability globally as tobacco and hypertension” (par. 1). The effects of alcohol abuse among students can end badly if they decide not to change, especially since “alcohol problems continue to present a major challenge to medicine” (Room, par. 1). In other words, doctors or nurses would rather help patients who have unintentional health problems first, than someone who is ill because of intoxication. Alcohol abuse can cause many problems that affect someone’s life in all aspects. The Mayo Clinic Staff updated their alcohol use section, …show more content…

Educational and college authorities need to acknowledge universities’ responsibility in relation to their students’ drinking behavior and to commit themselves to support an environment of responsible drinking. Colleges need to acknowledge their role in this issue and to commit themselves to lower exposure to excessive alcohol consumption. Keeping college students informed of the potential consequences of substance abuse can ensure they are able to make the best decisions for their future. With generous attention to alcohol abuse on college campuses, there is hope that students will participate in making mature decisions so they will not have pessimistic outcomes such as violence, academic problems and health problems throughout their academic

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