Persuasive Essay On Dishwashers

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If you have a dishwasher, put down the sponge. It may feel more virtuous to wash by hand, but washing by hand is actually more wasteful. According to, people use 27 gallons per load washing by hand versus as little as 3 gallons when using a dishwasher. Think of it like this, if you are washing your dishes by hand, the sink is on the entire time; however, the dishwasher uses the right amount of water per cycle, therefore not wasting water.
Mist dishwashers are a good option because they do not use too much water. A mist dishwasher has a mist as well as a powerful jet which can rinse the dishes as well as get the food off while using less water than an older dishwasher. There are also certain dishwashers that …show more content…

If you prefer to use the sink, be conscious of the amount of water being used, on average the sink uses 27 gallons of water. There are things you can do to reduce that usage by 17 gallons such as when you put the dishes in the sink and start to wash them, do not turn on the sink right away. You can scrape off the food from the dishes and scrub the dishes with soap without using the water. When that step is done, turn on the sink and rinse the dishes. This process uses about 5 to 10 gallons of water rather than 27 …show more content…

A typical faucet dispenses 2.5 gallons of water a minute. People usually wash their produce for more than 5 minutes. If you do the math, that equals about 12.5 gallons of water every five minutes, while leaving the faucet on. To help this wasteful process, you can put a large bucket under the faucet to collect the water used to wash fruits and vegetables. Whatever water lands in the bucket is the extra water you can use for your garden or houseplants. You can use a vegetable brush to clean the

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