Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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Everyday an increasing amount of athletes are choosing to quit football for one-reason, concussions. A concussion is when your brain shakes violently in your head, slamming into the sides of your skull. It is similar to shaking Jell-O and watching it bang on the sides of the container. Concussion is an injury to the brain, which may involve unconsciousness, headaches, and memory lapses. Concussions usually occur in football and in the past decade, concussions have killed 50 athletes. Some athletes make football their first priority rather than school; this gives them a disadvantage later in life. Every year, only a few players make it to the NFL (National Football League). The answer is clear; kids should not be allowed to play football. …show more content…

Most football players who get concussions will hide their symptoms so they would not miss a day of football. Treating a concussion requires rest so the brain would heal, but playing with a concussion is taking a huge risk. Once football players go on the field with a concussion, they are at right of getting repeated concussions. Athletes have suffered brain damage and other devastating issues including CTE-chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In the Scope Article by Jennifer Shotz she states, ”In milder cases, athletes can be left with lifelong pain, memory lapses, aggression, depression, personality changes, and many other issues” (pg.11). In addition, even with safety pre-cautions, football players will still get concussions. Also, in the Scope Article by Jennifer Shotz, “Every year, tens of thousands of youth-football players get

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