Persuasive Essay On Cheap Labour

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I read your article on “Is Cheap Fashion Driving Cheap Labour?” and I agree with some of your arguments. This is why I am writing this latter to you, to give you my view on the subject.
In the last paragraph I was touched when Mark Donne sums it up by saying “cheap style for one woman should not mean degraded life for another.” As I think it’s unfair for a person to do long hours and work in a horrendous place with horrifying safety guards to make someone look glamorous.
I also believe that no one should live a degraded life to produce clothing that might be worn once and left in the wardrobe to collect dust.
Companies who sell cheap clothing could be disgraceful and horrible companies . I feel the worst ones who fill their pockets, stand on the little people by selling their products at a very low price, but cost them a tenth to make the products and keep most of the …show more content…

Both ways on how companies do business is undesirable and wrong to ask people to do a lot for way less.
As this world is run by money means the more you have, the more control you have over lower class workers or for companies who’ve asked other companies to help with demands with their products. This thought of mind, of how companies work is revolting as well as how companies hide behind the fact to the company they’ve asked for help with demands don’t know the work ethics they use.
With all this in mind, I agree with you about anyone who is a bit more conscious about where their purchases come from should question the economics behind how these companies run their businesses and say it out loud to the world. By doing this more people might start questioning it and give the business to be scared about something as it is our money they are filling their pockets with

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