Persuasive Essay On Being Deaf

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Getting a job in the workplace being deaf is probably one of the most challenging issues that deaf people face. In the united states only, forty-eight percent of deaf people have jobs verses seventy-two percent of hearing people having jobs, now what does that say about our country. Deaf people get treated with a lot of discrimination in the work place. Things like no support from the employer, no provisions for the deaf, and the colleagues harassing the deaf employees. Deaf people are scared to let their employer know they are deaf even at the interview due to fact of not being hired. This goes the same for the children in schools. Our children should not get picked on because they are deaf. Deaf children should be treat with equal rights just like hearing children. If a child is hard of hearing and wants to go to public schools, they should not be singled out for the choices they make. Maybe the schools need to accommodate for the deaf students as well just as they do for students with disabilities or special learning disabilities. …show more content…

Pete deaf college, National Tech Institute but are always in limbo of getting shut down because there is no government money to help support them let alone that they want to support it. There is close to fifty-one all deaf schools in the united states that is horrible considering there are thirty times as many hearing schools though out the united states, yet again America is considered equal. Yea right, if there is so much equal opportunity in the world then where is it for the deaf people. “In 2005 in the united states alone approximately one- million people over the age of five are functionally deaf” (Mitchell web). So that means that half of the one million people became totally

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