Persuasive Essay On Australia Day

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A widespread debate of the issue of the meaning and understanding of Australia Day has been debated across the media, throughout politics, and even in everyday educational settings, like this one. This is an issue that has a tremendous effect on each and every Australian, migrants, traditional owners, European settler. An issue that can be resolved with a small amount of understanding from all perspectives. I thank all of you in attendance for your dedication and contribution to this country, without you, this cohesive and inclusive country would be in chaos. Although, our country is strong, RESPECT is what we needs. That is why I, Jasmine Bader, contend that due to its recognition on the 26th of January, Australia Day should mourn the tragedies …show more content…

Today, I will be exploring Australia’s devastating history that brought ruination to its traditional owners but also its success and endeavouring efforts in the modern world.
Australia’s European settlement and invasion brought demolition to its original inhabitants and continued to cruelly wrong them up until recent events. From hen the First Fleet arrived in Australia and declared it terra nullius or ‘no man’s land’, the Indigenous people, of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, were refused acknowledgement from their traditional ownership of the land. This was the beginning of battle over land that would last centuries. By the time of Federation in 1901, the Indigenous were being denied the vast majority of the rights that the Settlers possessed. Their cultures were not even recognised, even to the extent of them being ignored in the census as Australian citizens. The inhumane treatment was truly …show more content…

A key example of the strength of this country, is in its equality and fairness. Modern Australian law sees that this is achieved, by understanding that it’s founding is based upon the ‘rights' of and 'duties' given to every citizen. Also, by holding three principles: fairness, equality before the law, and justice. A democratic government is something that has been very much normalised to us, but it is vital to remember that this is a privilege. As well as its social advancements, the technology of Australia is as cutting-edge as it gets. This greatly benefits the domestic market for online content and services. The information and communications technology of our country is amongst some of the most advanced and sophisticated across the entire world. Multiculturalism is one of Australia’s most appealing facest, according to the 2011 census a whole 26% of the population was born overseas and four million of the population can speak a language other than English. These are all things to be proud of, things to

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