Persuasive Essay About Wearing A Suit

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Wearing the appropriate outfit can provide the euphoria of accomplishment as well as present that spectacular first impression. Dressing well is more than what it may present; it is about feeling confident about what you wear, feeling poised, and even gaining that additional “wow” factor from the observer. If no one cared about how they are viewed, there would be no need for suits, dresses, accessories, or the hundreds of styles of shoes; similarly, clothes would not be gliding off the racks if there were no significance in trends of fashion nor would people spend thousands for limited edition as if they were gold. Simply wearing the latest trends will not accomplish the well dressing mentality--you need to learn how to dress using color, the proper fit, and the audience that you are trying to impress. Color is what brings interest to the otherwise black and white world. Colors react variously to the skin tone of the person. …show more content…

The audience are the people that interact with you. Wearing a suit to the beach for leisure activities makes no sense whatsoever; Wearing the bikini or swimming trunks however, makes a great deal more sense. Knowing the audience to which the outfit is intended for is an aspect which is vital for social situations. Dressing to fit the coveted role is crucial when determining how the audience may react. The reason to dress for the role is for credibility and respect. Farmers will not be wearing suits; nor will chefs be in athletic wear; doctors in jeans and a t-shirt; or a lifeguard in delicate fabrics. If improperly dressed, the ability and the proficiency will come into question. Dressing to suit the chosen role can create an atmosphere of comfortability and confidence. People tend to draw towards comfortable characters and a simple way of doing so is by dressing appropriately. After all, no particular person tends to interact with those who cause uncomfortable situations such as the suit on the

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