Persuasive Essay About Texting And Driving

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With the rise of smart phone, texting has become so popular way to communicate. It’s fastest and best way to save time. However, people are too dependent on their cell phones and abused them. Some people use their cell phones all of the time and they can’t be separated from them for too long. Therefore, the cell phone isn’t becoming only useful, but becoming more dangerous and taking over people’s life when they use cell phones texting while driving. It’s so dangerous because people are so focused on their texting messages that they do not pay attention surround them.
Drunk and driving has been a forefront problem of debate that has taken place for longtime. The laws have been passed reducing in drunk driving accident. However texting while driving is new driving threat taking …show more content…

In nowadays, teens tend to be the group with most risky driving habit. Most of them do not recognize the dangerous involved in trying use a cellphone. This statistics are very sad because according to “ The Choice to Text and Drive in Younger Drivers: Behavior may shape Attitude”, a study found that over 78% of the youngest age group surveyed report they text more than they make calls with their phone, and they have a very high rate of text messaging, with over 500 texts per month (Vlingo Corporation, 2009). The behavior seems to be driven by peer-to-peer inter- actions (Grinter and Eldridge, 2003), which may be particularly important to the growth of social networks of young adults. In addition, adults and teens believe they can handle of texting and driving and never think they will get in an accident, and then when it happens they feel stupid or may not be able to feel anything at all. Texting and driving is really dangerous and takes way to much attention away from driving. Following the US Today News the chart bellow shows that the percent adult admit they text while driving is greater than percent of

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