Persuasive Essay About School Lunches

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It’s unfortunate to say that as time goes and problems are given resolutions, school lunches are left in the same frozen state. School lunches should should not only be fulfilling but also a nutritious and healthy meal. This is not the case however and what is left is nothing more than a low nutritious meal, that is served to students everyday. Whether or not the situation can be solved easily; I feel as though school lunches can be improved by adding a variety of soups to our menus.
Emphasizing “adding”, simply adding them and not replacing. After surveying several students about eating choices, I have come to discovered that between a side of both healthy and unhealthy is relatively neck and neck. If we were to replace the current food with soup it would cause complaints with student that do not wish for soup. Keeping the old selections while adding new ones will please those previous mentioned and those who wish for a more varied dish. …show more content…

There is a reason why they are generally used in a soccer mom’s dinners and forced down their 12 year old's throat. Having a vegetable focused selection can benefit both in helping a student’s diet; and, keeping cost to a minimum. I am not just talking about how generally healthier a broccoli or tomato is compared to some slice of pizza that can probably slide down a side of a really tall mountain. It also can have some other health effects as stated in the article, Why Soup is Good For You by Becky Mauldin, saying “Gelatin-rich stocks have been used therapeutically in the treatment of digestive and intestinal disorders, such as hyper-acidity, indigestion, colitis, and Crohn’s disease”( pg. 5). I first like to state that I am in no way saying that student that I know of has a disease or issues of some sort. Though studies have shown that at least 6% of people may have some sort of digestive disease or issue. Meaning it would be nice if help was there whether they know it or

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