Persuasive Essay Abolish The Penny

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The Penny is a wonderful coin. It might only be worth one cent but that one cent can help people in all sought's of situations. The penny should kept in circulation. There are many people that use the penny still in today’s society. The penny might not be worth a lot of money but when saving up a lot of penny’s they can be taken to a bank and be exchanged for bills. Bills is what every one wants to have there wallet full of. Often times many children collected penny’s that they find and put them in there piggy bank. Smiles goes across any child’s face when they reach down and pick up a copper penny off of the ground. If the penny is on heads then there will be much good luck to come. Good luck is something that everyone seems to need and wants. A vacation can be taken while saving up every penny that is found. Collecting penny’s for a whole year …show more content…

In fact there are many people that oppose abolishing the penny. In source E it states “that 62 percent of people oppose abolishing the penny that has a income less then $25,000 a year.” If the penny was to be abolish then the nickel would be the lowest coin in amount of money. If the nickel was the lowest amount of money there was then that means the purchase prices of items sold would increase. The prices would increase on items sold because the penny would not be in circulation to allow the customer to pay with the correct amount of change. Instead of being able to pay $3.47 for a kids meal at MacDonalds the customer would have to pay $3.50 for the kids meal. With the increasing prices of merchandise sold in stores there could be a budget upset for many families that have to follow a tight budget. Many families have to follow a tight budget to be able to provide for there families. With a tight budget there is no room for the prices of merchandise to increase due to losing the penny. Every penny counts when it comes to having a tight budget and providing for your

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