Personal Statement: Why I Love To Join NJHS

776 Words2 Pages

Why me?

Many people have said, “time is money spend yours wisely,” I disagree, time is life spend yours wisely. We have this special time to gain experiences and learn new and crazy things. So, there really is no point in wasting it. There are so many amazing things to accomplish in this life, even though they come with difficulties. My goal is to overcome all difficulties, and to learn and grow as much as possible. Although no one can/should experience and solve life by theirself, this is why I would love to join NJHS, and believe it will be a great opportunity to help realize my potential as well as others. I completely agree and love how NJHS has narrowed all of the best characteristics anyone can achieve into four categories. I look forward …show more content…

Throughout my life there has been many activities and teams I've been a part of. Such as cheer, dance, school plays, sports teams and church activities. In order to lead and help others, it’s key to first make sure you are organized and in control of yourself and your situation. If you do this you are better able to understand what others are going through and actually have time to care, listen, and do something about it. It's also extremely important, I've found, to have a good motivator or motivation. Like this inspiring quote says, “don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams (unknown author).” We need to look up and keep moving forward toward our goals not because we have to but because we want to. For example, school has always been …show more content…

At the beginning of the year my stake planted flowers on main street. At first we were miserable since it was cold and a Saturday morning, but then (after hot chocolate and donuts) we started to talk to each other and set goals and challenged nearby service groups to small competitions and soon it wasn't so cold any more, and then...we were done! Everything went by faster and seemingly less effort when we were laughing and pushing ourselves. Other great examples are the hikes at girls camp. At my first year at girls camp we hiked to a lake where we slid down and had tons of fun, everything was looking up for us and soon we started hiking back. Along the way, it started to rain on our already soaking selves, which started to lower our spirits because he had a long way to go still. Instead of pounding we set goals for ourselves and sang songs until we could see the cars and jumped with joy.

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