Personal Statement: Communication Studies And Deaf Studies

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Personal Statement I have overcome many thing through my upbringing. I have grown so much through my college experience and try to give back through leadership positions. My goal is to further give back to my community through law. Growing up I had a rough upbringing. My father abandoned the family when I was five years old. My mother only had a high school education. She found it hard to find and keep a job. She would get laid off constantly and have to find jobs that were not the best. For instance one job was a night shift job she worked from 10 pm to 6am. She would come home and we would have to take care of ourselves because she slept during the day. At sixteen my mother also abandoned the family. My sister was two years older than me …show more content…

At that time I knew I was different and I identified as gay. As school progressed I took Queer Study classes and got involved in the community. I discovered that I was a queer non-binary person. Furthermore, I am not different my people precolonialization acknowledge people who were not in the gender bi-nary. I am currently a double major in Communication Studies and Deaf studies. I am in my fifth year I would have been able to graduate sooner if I knew about Deaf Studies earlier on. In my high school and those around it we were not given the option to learn American Sign Language. Many of the students that are in Deaf Studies came from high school that taught American Sign Language. Students should have access to this Language in order to be better allies for the Deaf community. One reason for not teaching American Sign Language is that it’s not considered a language legally. If we could fight for its recognition it would be easier to have it become part of …show more content…

Once I graduate from law school I plan on moving to India and advocating for human rights in the country. Currently there are any human right being violated such as women’s right, disabled rights, queer rights, and religious rights. During my free time I research the issues that the marginalized groups suffer and think of ways that legislation can better assist them. One example is that it is against the law to check a babies gender however many do. There is very little effort to stop these practices through the court system. With a skilled lawyer people could win their cases. I would be honored to represent marginalized communities in their quest for equal

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