Personal Narrative: Why I Collapse My Plane

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I remember when I had made a record for altitude height I was so proud of my achievement but it was broken soon after so I set out to brake it, unfortunately there was a fog that made it very hard for me to see and I almost crashed my plane I could have died from it if I did crash, the reason why I almost crashed my plane is because I couldn’t tell which way I was going anymore I couldn’t tell if I was going up or down. Throughout my life I had many ideas for what I was going to do when I got older I never really realized I wanted to fly planes until I went to see my first air show with my family. Back then things were a little different for me as a woman than what they are for women now. I decided to buy a plane but it took a while for me to get the money. All though I did get some help from my mom so I was able to buy the plane after I had saved up all the money. In the end though I did have to sell the plane at some point, at least I enjoyed it while I had it. That is what really matters but after a while I was given an opportunity I thought i’d …show more content…

Apparently that didn’t really matter to the press because after the flight I became very popular and was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. I was able to get another plane again and I set out to fly across the Atlantic by myself and soon after that I was already setting new records for altitude and speed in flying a plane. I wanted to set more and more records because I knew it was something I loved even though it’s dangerous i’m sure enough when I made a mistake in trying to break my altitude record and almost ended up in my death, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to set records if it wasn’t for that time it also has caused me to be more careful when doing so. I claimed the title for many things in being an aviator because I flew to many different countries and was the first woman to do

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