Personal Narrative: Who Killed Ones Dog

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Dogs are like family, and when they pass away, it is really hard for the owner. Let's say one goes to work and when one comes back, one’s dog is lost, it is a very terrible feeling. It's like the world is over. Because that was the owners only friend. Now your dog is shot what does that owner do? One is thinking who,what,and when! Then one finds out “The Farmer” did it. One is going to take “The Farmer” to court one is thinking. Did you think why he shot ones dog? Of course not, but maybe one should consider it. One's brain is going so fast ones heart is racing… your scared that the dog is gone forever. One says to oneself, I need a lawyer. So one gets a lawyer, and he is talking to you about what he is gonna say. You start tearing up, wow

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