Personal Narrative: The Steak House

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So here I was sitting in the “Steak House” restaurant on a cold winter evening. I had just finished work and continued with my Friday routine to head to “Steak House” and treat myself to a nice feast before heading back home. I sat down and ordered a towering portion of steak and chips. But on this Friday I felt something different, something strange and why was this? Because I glimpsed up to the bar to find two large men sitting anxiously both speaking with foreign accents and peaked caps staring at me every so often. Now in any other line of work most people wouldn't take much notice of this, but me being a federal officer for the Government I knew something was up. I wondered to myself "Had I seen these two men before?" But with the amount of thugs I had encountered this week alone, it was …show more content…

She placed my dinner onto the table and my cold glass of milk with it but with that she had also placed an extra napkin with the word "RUN" quickly scrawled across it. That was when I knew this was serious and to make matters worse, I had left my police gear in my car which was parked a few blocks down the street. No gun, no bulletproof vest, no radio or phone, I quickly tried to think of a plan. The one thing I couldn't do was let them know I was nervous and that I knew they were here for me. So I continued munching into my food but still trying to build together a plan that could get me out of this situation. I secretly glimpsed over at the two men to see if anything had changed and .. it had they had began to put on their winter coats. I got up and swiftly started walking towards the door while constantly looking over my shoulder I could see the two alarming shadows of the men on the restaurant

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