Personal Narrative: The Salem Witch Trials

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You want to know about me? Wow, I thought being a witch, no one would have cared especially after what I did in the story. Well there are things you have to know about me to really understand me and why I helped that queen. Well as you can tell, I did turn good in the end. Anyways, the first thing I need to tell you is have you not ever heard of not asking a woman, their age. Yeah, you are not supposed to. Well I will tell you, I am very old. I mean like dinosaur age old. I have been here for a very long time and have seen a lot of things. I do have a family, well a family of witches. There are some evil ones and there are some good ones. Do the good ones get along with the bad ones. Hmm.. What do you think? We fight like no other, but we …show more content…

No one knew about us because my parents were good witches. They did not hex people and they raised us up right to not be evil. We did have some evil family members that did not like people that were not witches. They were annoyed that we helped them out with our magic and was nice to them. Then an unfortunate thing happened and my parents were murdered. We are not sure how people found out that they were witches, how or why they got murder as well. Sadly, our other family members got a hold of us, but we did get to escape from that horrid place. Indeed, the people who took us were evil witches. They raised us up in a home where we were mean to people. Some of my siblings took to the death of my parents and sought revenge to people who were not witches. However, I was still a good witch inside. I did not like to be mean to other people. I was made to do horrible things to people in order to have a home. People rented us to do hex towards people and I did not like it. My family did not like the fact that I was a softy, so they locked me in a mirror. I was still powerful, but this mirror played tricks on me and whoever had this mirror was in charge of me and usually they were evil as well. Even though I was locked in the mirror, I practice my magic, well good magic. Then This women got me which is your queen in this story. She hated her step-daughter so much that she wanted to make herself younger so she can compete with her. I told her that magic came with a price, but she did not care. She kept summoning me, which was really annoying, but I did get my humor out of it. This lady was horrible looking because of her ugly personality. Jealously made her green. She kept asking me who was the most beautiful one and I cannot lie so I told her, her step-daughter. The most awful thing ever was she wanted to kill her. Sadly, this place that I was at made me help her. I told her what to do and gave her power to do it. Before

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