Personal Narrative: The Motivation Of A Basketball Team

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With goal setting as a foundation for my daughter’s last year of high school basketball, she will be more motivated to continue pursuing sport related activities in the future. She did run with me in the Peachtree Road Race this year and during spring break, she hiked with me in Arizona on some difficult trails. So, she does consider physical fitness and eating healthy to be priorities in her life. However, to get her motivated to set the goals I just discussed and continue playing basketball will be the challenge. I believe she is most likely an outcome-oriented failure avoider. She focuses on social comparison, but fears failing in front of her friends. I think that is why she doesn’t shoot the ball very much. She is afraid someone will make fun of her shots, for example. When she is on the court, she displays a high motivation to avoid failure versus seeking maximum learning and improvement. I believe she sacrifices learning to avoid displaying low …show more content…

They struggled with their lines and depended on my daughter for help when they forgot. This display of individual confidence shaped the cast’s (or team) confidence. However, on a negative note, during the end of year awards, one of the scholarship girls got the best drama performance award. As the drama teacher described this award, all I could think about was my daughter. When the award was given to someone else because “they were a senior”, it was a huge downer for my kid. This one extrinsic award could have been what would motivate her to a new level in drama that would ultimately trickle down to basketball. However, it was a missed opportunity by the school. Regardless, her performance on stage this spring satisfied the need to feel competent and successful and hopefully that same feeling will happen in basketball as she progresses with her goal

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