Personal Narrative: Supraventricular Tachycardia

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Supraventricular tachycardia, a rapid heartbeat that develops when the normal electrical impulses of the heart are disrupted. This condition is also known as SVT and it affects thousands of people. It’s also very common for teens to experience SVT, yet the way I discover this condition may have been different from others. Before, I had never heard of this condition until my sophomore year of high school, however I experienced SVT since I was in middle school. I never knew anything was wrong and I lived my life normally without a care in the world.
September 2012, it was the beginning of my second year swimming for Wawasee High School. It was a Saturday practice, which meant that it was going to be an easier one. I remember feeling the funny …show more content…

The time between September and January, I had to learn to push myself when I felt scared. For a few months, anytime I would go to practice I would try and complete the assigned practice but I always backed out when things got too tough. One day my hesitations of pushing myself became obvious to my coach so she pulled me aside and gave my a great lecture that influenced how I view my life today. I wish I could have recorded her talk with me, but the gist of our talk left me the greatest lesson of my life. When I am faced with trial and turmoil in my life, there are choices left for me to take. I either have to choose to fight, fit, or to fade. To fight, I have to push myself further than my own limitations. I have to look past my mind’s limit and succeed further than I thought ever possible. To fit, is choosing to stay in comfort, never changing, or to play it safe. To fade, is to give up on trying, forget motivation and to just curl into a ball of self pity and fade away. I choose to fight, I fought through my fear of working hard and pushing my heart rate higher than I felt comfortable. I continue choosing to fight everyday, I challenge myself from being comfortable. I chose my life to be lived this way because I decided that living comfortably would not give me growth or fading away would not give me life. I choose my life to be this way not because I had the will power to do so, but because I had the love and encouragement and great people around me. I was not alone during this hard time in my life, I had friends, coaches, family and God to give me guidance. Not a day goes by that I don’t look back at this time in my life with a smile. I am only thankful for everything that happened to me then and grateful for everything that followed after that time. My plan is to continue to fight and live my life

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