Personal Narrative: Staying At The Highlands Of Scotland

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Aileana 2002 As families go, mine was what I thought of as normal – whatever that may mean. We always took our summer family vacations in Durness in the Northwestern Highlands of Scotland. My Seanmhair on my father’s side lives in a converted crofter cottage on the edge of the cliffs above the sea. The cottage is made of the same stone as the low walls near the cottage. I always loved going back each year to my father’s childhood home. The Highlands of Scotland were more than just the 5,333 miles from my home in Woodland Hills a suburb of Los Angeles, California. There were no malls and no traffic, no housing tracts in the Highlands – just the beautiful green cliffs above the sea. Staying at my Seanmhair’s home above the sea was always …show more content…

Adaira spent most of her time in the village with her girlfriends. The summer of my fourteenth birthday, I encountered someone very special. His name was Kendrick, we met by chance. As I was walking along the shore looking out to the rocks beyond the surf, I saw a raft of seals swimming among the towering quartzite pillars. The seals were so sleek and agile as they glided through the waves near the rocks. The seals watched me with big soulful eyes so full of mischief, as I walked along the shore. It made me wish that I had brought my short board from home. The surf here is not as good as up the coast in Thurso which has an awesome right-hand break. Still, it would have been wonderful to just paddle out and sun myself among the seals. On one of my daily hikes, I came across a small sea cave, which in its self is not that big a deal. The area around Durness is known for a big sea cave called Smoo Cave. The cave is the important tourist attraction for this area. The small cave I found is not too far down the beach from my grandmother’s …show more content…

As I was approaching the small sea cave I saw a young man coming from the mouth of the cave. I was ever the friendly So. Cal. surfer type, so I waved hello and said “hey dude what up”. He was tall and lean and very well-built, narrow hips and a broad chest. Talk about a six-pack, he had an eight pack going on, and he took my breath away. Taking my breath away is no easy feat, coming from the area that I live in. You see rock stars and gorgeous hunky actors almost daily. He had dark obsidian eyes and black hair that fell to the middle of his back. I thought he must be in a rock band or something like that. His skin was lightly tanned and wet from swimming in the sea. He had a wonderful smile that showed his perfect bright white teeth. His voice was smooth and almost musical as he said “hello” to

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